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Your life began at conception.  Let me take you to some Scriptures that support that statement.

Genesis 25:21-Isaac prayed to the Lord on behalf of his wife, because she was childless. The Lord answered his prayer, and his wife Rebekah became pregnant.

We can see a contrast or a change in circumstances in just this one verse.  In two simple sentences we can see that Rebekah was childless, and after her husband prayed, she was pregnant, meaning she was no longer childless.  She who was childless became a mother when she became pregnant. 

Many people used to refer to pregnancy as “being with child.”  In the King James translation of Matthew 1:18, it says that Mary was found to be with child through the Holy Spirit.  That means that when the Holy Spirit came on her and child was placed in her womb.

When Job was going through a horrendous trial, he cursed the day of his birth, but notice, he also cursed the day of his conception.  Job 3:2-3 He said: “May the day of my birth perish, and the night that said, ‘A boy is conceived!’  He referred to himself as a boy at conception.  He was a person at conception.

Psalm 139:13-16-For you (God) created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. 14 I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. 15 My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place, when I was woven together in the depths of the earth. 16 Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.

God’s hands are the hands that are putting us together as we grow in our mother’s womb.  He doesn’t just put His hands on us once we are able to live outside of the womb or even just a few weeks before that.  He doesn’t just place His hands on us after 20 weeks, the number of weeks before which it is legal to have an abortion in WV without any questions being asked, without any special conditions surrounding the circumstances or health of the mother being considered. God’s hands are literally the hands that place an egg and sperm together and begin to work to develop the person that is created in that moment. 

God is at work in the unborn child’s life just as He is at work in the born child’s life.

Your life is a gift.  Being born wasn’t your decision.  It is the gift of God. 

Acknowledging life at conception as the work and gift of God and choosing life is foundational to all other aspects of our walk with Christ.  When we understand that God has His hands on us as we are created, that He places in us the DNA, the stuff to be able to perform certain tasks, the wiring for a specific personality, as He designates our gender and all of our features…As we realize He does all of these things because He has a unique plan for our lives, we are bound in relationship to seek Him to understand why we are here and how He purposes for us to live.

If you toss out the fact that God created us, then you remove the connection to God that would make you responsible to Him to live according to His design.  Who do you think is behind that mindset?  Who wants you to live to please yourself?  Who wants you to rely on your own understanding?  Who wants you disconnected from your Creator?  Who doesn’t want you to discover the purposes for which the Creator has created you?  Satan, the Devil.  He doesn’t want you to have an identity that results from knowing you were created by a Holy God who has a purpose for your life. He doesn’t want you to embrace the gift of life that you have been given.

The sanctity of life, the honoring of life, the valuing of life and appreciation of life as a gift is foundational to the theology that God is our Creator and has given us the gift of life that we might honor and glorify Him according to His purposes.

Life is a gift.  What do you do with a cherished gift?  How do you respond to the person who gave it to you?  The way we live our lives and seek to protect and cherish the gift of life should reflect our deep gratitude for the Giver of the gift of life.

Your life is valuable to God.

The fact that we are formed and fashioned by God, makes us incredibly valuable.  We aren’t the random product of a physical act, but we are the handiwork of God who created us through a process that He is highly involved in. The development of a child takes more than the union of a father and a mother.  It takes the hands-on, delicate help of the Almighty God. He says we are His MASTERPIECE! (Ephesians 2:10)

Do you understand that God wants to spend eternity with you?  He didn’t just create you for a simple span of years, but He created you for an eternity with Him. This life is just the beginning.  No matter how old you are, it’s just the beginning.  Eternity in Heaven is forever. He paid a high price to ensure you could enjoy that kind of existence.  He gave His very life to make sure you could spend eternity with Him.  He demonstrated how much He loves you, what you are worth to Him, when He sent Jesus to die on a cross to pay the price for your sin, Romans 5:8.

God made you in His image, Genesis 1:26.  That makes you incredibly valuable.  He isn’t trying to distance Himself from His creation, even though it has been marred by sin.  He hasn’t left us on our own.  He doesn’t want us to suffer the consequences of sin.  Rather, He has proven His love for and His desire to be with His creation by making a way for us to overcome the barriers that sin has created for us.  Sin separates us from God, but God has been determined to remove those barriers through the sacrifice of Christ on the cross because He wants to be with those He has created.  Jesus took on the curse of sin, the consequences of sin, so that we can live in a holy relationship with God. Has anyone else ever given their life for you?  What does that say to you about the value God places on your life?

Once we understand the value God places on each life, our goal should be to speak life, to encourage life, to support life, and to protect life at every stage of life.

The supreme way we stand for life is to do all we can to bring people into a relationship with the Lord.  Once people understand His work in their lives as Creator, His role in their lives as sustainer, and His plan for their lives, their perspective on life will change.  We need to live our lives in such a way that people can see Him, Matthew 5:16.

Colossians 3:16-17 ESV 16 Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms
Psalm 1- 1 Blessed is the man   who walks not in the counsel of the wicked, nor stands in the way of sinners,    nor sits in the seat
Psalm 139:23-24 “Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is