(304) 757-9222 connect@tvcog.org

I hope you’ll join us tonight for worship as the children and adults gather in the sanctuary for a time of opening worship and inspiration after which we will break into our classes!

On Sunday we had 3 people saved and 557 in worship!  God is so good.  Thanks to each of you who are taking the “Year of Invitation” challenge and are inviting your friends to be part of what God is doing.

If you had friends visiting with you on SUNDAY, please email us their names and contact information so that we can thank them for coming.

On Sunday, I spoke from Mark 16 and John 20 about “What a Difference a Day Makes!”  Mary Magdalene had spent Saturday in fear.  Jesus’ death seemed so final.  What would happen to her now that her Deliverer was dead?  Would the demons that had possessed her return (Luke 8:2)?  Saturday wasn’t much fun for Peter either.  How could he have failed Jesus so miserably?  Jesus death made it seem impossible for things to be different between them.  Jesus went to His grave knowing Peter hadn’t been a faithful friend.

But, oh what a difference a day makes!  Because of the Resurrection, Mary’s future would forever be secure.  Nothing would ever separate her from God’s love or God’s delivering power.  Because of the Resurrection, Peter’s past could forever be erased.  The angel that told Mary to alert the disciples about Jesus’ resurrection gave her special instructions to make sure Peter got word!  God wanted him to know that “Failure is never final with the Father!”

Church, let us not walk around with Saturday’s mindset.  If you are in a “Saturday state of mind,” shake it off in Jesus’ Name.  Make your way in your mind to the empty tomb!  Hear the voice of the angel say, “He is NOT here!  He is risen!”  The Resurrection changes everything.  Your future is secure!  Your past is forgiven.  O, what a difference a day makes!  Hallelujah!

Pastor Melissa

Psalm 1- 1 Blessed is the man   who walks not in the counsel of the wicked, nor stands in the way of sinners,    nor sits in the seat
Psalm 139:23-24 “Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is
When I think about that Christmas and reflect on the ways God was with us, I think of the Christmas