What a powerful day in the Lord we had on Sunday! I hope you decided to “Get while the gettin’s good.”
Remember from Joshua 1, some of us need to GET READY for our Promised Land Day! Get mentally, physically, and spiritually ready like the Israelites did.
Some of us need ot GET AWAY from sin and hindrances that are keeping us from our Promised Land. (Hebrews 12:1)
Some of us need to GET OVER the pain of our past by focusing on our future and by letting God heal our hurts! (Philippains 3:12-14)
Remember, your greatest victory to date could be the redemption of your past in the hands of God if you will surrender it completely to Him! If God can make all things new, and that’s what the Bible says, then He can even make your past new in a way that allows you to move into your future with confidence, focus, and victory! Your future will always include your past, but in God’s hands and by His healing power and with His perspective, your past . . . in the future . . . can become a beautiful and powerful thing! That’s the conclusion Joseph came to in Genesis 50:20.
Some of you are walking in a valley and you just need to GET THROUGH IT. God is with you. (Psalm 23) He will lead you out!
I love each of you and love being in ministry with you! I hope you’ll join us Wednesday night at 6:45 for a time of inspiration with our missionaries to Japan.
God’s peace to you!
Pastor Melissa