(304) 757-9222 connect@tvcog.org

Dear Church,

Yesterday I unveiled our theme for 2013! It is the “Year of the Connection.” I shared that God’s design is not merely that we get together , but that we grow together in a Christian community and our togetherness will become a resting place for the power of God which will become the catalyst for the transformation of our community.

When you read Acts 2:42-47 you will see how the early church Christians were connected to each other through the Word of God, through Fellowship, through Prayer, through Sharing and through the corporate experience of the Move of God in their midst. Their TOGETHERNESS became the catalyst for the Holy Spirit’s power to move and people got saved DAILY as a result.

As our church continues to grow larger, we must intentionally “grow smaller.” We must invest in getting to know one another. For that reason, we will be launching a series of small groups in 2013 and are asking that every person make a commitment to attend at least one during the course of the year. Some will only meet six times. Some will be monthly dinner events. Some will be weekly Bible studies or game playing fellowships. Our goal is to help you connect one with another during 2013 and create opportunities for new people to connect as they come into the life of the church.

If you own a small business or provide a service you would like to share with the Body at TVCOG, please email us at: tvcogsecretary@comcast.net so we can include you in our new “Business and Skills Directory” that will be published at the end of January. We want our members to be able to support one another’s businesses if they so choose.

Please make sure we have your current email and cell phone numbers to ensure we can stay connected effectively to you. Youth parents, if you have not texted the word “youthparent” to 304-924-2588 please do so to receive updates and announcements. Parents of children, please text the word “tvcogkids” to 304-931-4163 to receive announcements and updates.

Looking forward to getting to know you all better as we grow deeper in Christ together!

Pastor Melissa

Colossians 3:16-17 ESV 16 Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms
Psalm 1- 1 Blessed is the man   who walks not in the counsel of the wicked, nor stands in the way of sinners,    nor sits in the seat
Psalm 139:23-24 “Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is