(304) 757-9222 connect@tvcog.org

Dear Church,

Take a moment today and lift up two or three people from our congregation in prayer. Please remember the Painter family especially.

In Psalm 34 David offers three choices we must make if we are to get through life’s difficult times.

 1. Verses 1-3 tell us we must choose to GLORIFY THE LORD.

Notice the construct of the opening three verses. It was a triplet of praise. All three verses spoke of glorifying God. As was evidenced in David’s life, regular praise will result in regular deliverance.

2. Verses 4-8 tell us David chose to SEEK THE LORD.

Before we seek a way out of our situation, let us seek the Lord. Before we look to self-help books and the opinions of our friends, let us seek the Lord. Before we accept any earthly report, let us seek the Lord. When we do, we have reasons to smile (vs. 5). When we do, we will be rescued (vs. 6). When we do, Jesus Himself, the “Angel of the Lord” comes to be with us (vs. 7). When we do, our souls are satisfied (vs. 8).

3. Verses 9-16 tell us David chose to FEAR THE LORD. Those who respect His commandments and ways, according to this Scripture, lack nothing good that is needed to sustain and fulfill their lives (vs. 9-10).

Fearing and respecting God means, verse 13 that we watch our mouths and live a life committed to the truth. Fearing and respecting God in verse 14 means we not only accept good things from God, but that we turn from evil and do good. Sin isn’t good and it doesn’t produce anything good in our lives. In addition fearing and respecting God means we value people and want to be at peace with them whenever possible.

Which of these choices do you need to make today?

Praying for TVCOG to be strong in the LORD and in the power of HIS might today.

Pastor Melissa

II Timothy 3:14-17- 14 But as for you, continue in what you have learned and have firmly believed, knowing from whom you
Today, on this Sanctity of Life Sunday, where we celebrate that we have physical life and spiritual life because God
Colossians 3:16-17 ESV 16 Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms