Dear Church,
What a special Father’s Day celebration on Sunday. If you missed David K.’s ministry, you can watch him on our website. Remember his message as you go about your week. We are called to be different!
As I registered our church for the 2013 Church of God Yearbook (something we do annually) I was happy to report that from June of last year to June of this year, 31 people have given their lives to Christ and 16 have been baptized! What great news to be able to report! God is working in our midst and we are consistently seeing lives changed!
Let me remind all who are 55 and older to join us on Saturday at 6:30 for a barbershop quartet concert by “Uncle Ernie’s Boys!” Please invite your friends to attend and bring a dessert yourself to share.
I hope to see you Wednesday as we continue to grow more in love with Christ and each other!
Pastor Melissa