(304) 757-9222 connect@tvcog.org

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Yesterday we looked at Jesus’ Transfiguration from Matthew 7:1-8.

As Jesus was transfigured before Peter, James, and John, He was revealed as the King of Glory!

The King of Glory is Supreme. Moses, the symbol of the Law, and Elijah, the symbol of the prophets appeared with Jesus during His transfiguration. Their appearance when Jesus’ glory was revealed showed that Jesus IS superior to the Law and prophets!

The fact that Moses and Elijah, who had once lived on earth, now appeared with Jesus confirmed what Peter, James, and John had learned and known in their heads but now saw with their eyes. There is life after this life! Jesus is the King of Glory because He is King over death.

As Peter is talking, a cloud descends, just like a cloud would descend in the Old Testament when the glory of God appeared. (Moses-Exodus 40 and Solomon I Kings 8) Those Old Testament clouds prevented people from entering the places of worship, but here in the Transfiguration account, the cloud enveloped them all.

And then we hear the voice of God the Father, not unlike at Jesus’ baptism, declare, “This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased. (Matt. 17:5) However, God went on to add to this declaration when He said, “Listen to Him.” God was announcing to Peter, James and John, that Jesus was not only the Son of God, but He was God. He was the Revelation of the Divine Word.

The glory of God now fully revealed to them in the person of Jesus Christ elicited a response from them. They were terrified. Jesus spoke reassuringly to them, and told them to get up. And then perhaps one of the most pivotal verses of the entire New Testament is seen in Matthew 17: 8 “When they looked up, they saw no one except Jesus.”

And that my friends, is the point. “Let me see, Jesus only! Only He can satisfy!”

Just as Peter, James, and John witnessed Jesus’ glory by invitation, so too are we invited to as well.

Just as the cloud fully enveloped those who were there, Jesus wants to fully envelope you; body, mind, and spirit. He wants to deposit His glory inside of you. (II Cor. 4:6-7 and II Cor. 3:18)

If you haven’t let us know which service you plan on attending, please respond to this email. Let us know if you will be attending at 9:00 a.m. or 10:45 when we go to two services on Easter.

Also remember we have a work day at Teays Valley Acres this Saturday from 9 am to 1 pm. We hope you can be a part of blessing this community by getting the property ready for Spring and Summer use.

God bless you as you serve the King of Glory this week!

Pastor Melissa

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