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September 06 IMPACT

On Sunday I shared a message from John 2 where Jesus turned water into wine. The big idea comes from verse 5 where Mary tells the servants in the house to “Do whatever Jesus tells them to do.” 

Here are some other big takeaways: 

We need to do whatever Jesus tells us to do even in unlikely places. 

The water to wine miracle didn’t take place in a temple or church. It didn’t follow a prayer meeting or the anointing of someone with oil. It wasn’t in the context of a religious activity or spiritual atmosphere. It took place at a party. It took place in a social scene. The disciples had anticipated a wedding, but not a miracle. They had no idea that God would want to display His power at a party.

We need to do whatever He tells us to do even when we are dealing with a lot 
of problems.

The servants would have been the first people to have to deal with this lack of wine situation. The party guests would be coming to them asking where the wine was. They would have been on the front lines of the trouble. They would have been the ones people were complaining to or yelling at. The fact that the wedding family had run out of wine was their problem too due to the position they were in as servants. Disciples don’t have to be problem-free in order to be used of God. Don’t wait until your life is perfect or problem-free and then start obeying God’s voice. If you wait for that you will never be part of God’s miracle. Do whatever Jesus is telling you even if your plate is filled with problems right now.
We need to do whatever Jesus tells you to do even if you don’t understand how it is all going to work.

Jesus didn’t explain the plan to the servants. He didn’t tell them up front that when they filled the ceremonial jars with water that it would turn to wine. Think for a minute, if the water had been turned into wine in the ceremonial pots, but the servants never drew some out at Jesus’ command, the miracle would have taken place, but it would have never been experienced. The miracle would have happened, but they would have missed it. It was listening to Jesus’ words all the way to the end of the instructions that enabled them to see the miracle of God with their eyes! We have to take this listening to Jesus thing all the way to the end.

Verse 11 of the text says, “This, the first of his miraculous signs, Jesus performed at Cana in Galilee. He thus revealed his glory, and his disciples put their faith in him.” Do you want to see the glory of God? Do you want your faith in Christ to grow? Do whatever He tells you.

Choose to do whatever Jesus says to do this week!

Pastor Melissa


Luke 24:13-35 chronicles one of the many Jesus-sightings that took place after the Resurrection. It tells the story of two
Matthew 28:1-6-1After the Sabbath, at dawn on the first day of the week, Mary Magdalene and the other Mary went to look
John 10:11 and 14-18-11 “I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep.  14 “I am the good