**Our Fall “Mission Possible” offering is just two weeks away. Please pray about what you can give.**
1. God invites us to salvation. We are all born sinners. As we grow, our outward selves may become polished, but our souls on the inside won’t come clean through any amount of maturing or self-effort. To RSVP for salvation we must accept what God has done for us through Jesus Christ’s sacrifice on the cross.
God doesn’t say, “Try as hard as you can to work things out on your own first, and then I will help you.” No. He says, “Come to Me first.” “Bring your burdens to Me.” He didn’t qualify what burdens He will accept, so they are all game. Financial burdens, physical burdens, mental and emotional burdens, relational burdens, burdens of our own making and burdens placed on us by others. What He is saying is that He can help us through every situation we are facing. RSVP for rest today.
Maybe in those first few weeks and months Peter and Andrew couldn’t comprehend how they would ever become the kind of people who could change the world. But little by little, they were taught, they were led, they were empowered, they were given authority, they were given responsibility, they tried, they failed, they tried again, they failed again, and by the time Jesus had risen from the dead and ascended into heaven, they knew what they needed to get started on their mission. They had the know-how. They just needed the power.
When the Holy Spirit descended on the Day of Pentecost all of the disciples were empowered to be world changes for Christ, and Peter began to preach. The Church of the Living God went from a small group of disciples and other followers to a mega church with 3000 people in ONE day. What a world changer Peter had become.