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The truth about Creation is that God is responsible for Creation…all of it.

Science cannot explain Creation because it is a Divine miracle. The only explanation for a Divine miracle is God. The One who created the universe understands it. The One Who created the universe isn’t waiting for Science to endorse or accredit His Creation. It cannot be done. Science can only measure Creation in terms of what is and draw conclusions from what can be observed and repeated. Science cannot comment on Creation because it cannot speak to how “what is” has come to be and we can all agree, the Creation of the entire universe and specifically this world, as we know it, cannot be repeated.

You cannot read the Creation account and walk away thinking life is the result of random chance or the evolution of lifeforms over millions of years. A reasonable person can’t observe all that exists and walk away thinking that the complexities that exist simply came to be apart from some Divine force and thought and care and plan. It’s simply not reasonable.

Chance has no power. Chance doesn’t do anything. Chance can’t DO anything. It only describes a probability. Is that clear? There is no chance that chance had anything to do with Creation because chance has no power!

The truth about Creation is crystal clear. Though no human could ever comprehend the mind or wisdom or the intellect of God, He can reduce His communication down to the simplest of truths for us to understand, and He has done that in Genesis 1:1. God discloses who He is from the beginning by helping us understand He is the Creator.

Genesis 1:1-“In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.”

It’s no accident that the first subject of the entire Bible is God. In the beginning, God. The entire Bible is the revelation about God. He is the Source of everything. He is the reason for everything. This word, “God,” in Hebrew is Elohim, and here it is in a plural form. We understand that God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit were all present at Creation. Creation was the work of our Three-in-one God!

“In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” Listen. God said everything that needed to be said in these ten words. These ten words set up an understanding of God, His power, His authority, and His will, that set the tone for all of Scripture, for all of human history, for all of God’s plan for His Creation. God makes the Truth plain because He wants us to receive the Truth. Listen, if something is complicated, it isn’t from God. God is direct and clear. Satan is the complicator and twister of Truth.

In the beginning God created the Heavens. Can you even wrap your mind around how vast, how infinite, how immense and expansive the Heavens are, and what is even more mind-blowing is that our God is greater than all of that because He created it. He created it all, all by Himself.

Isaiah 48:13-“My own hand laid the foundations of the earth, and my right hand spread out the heavens; when I summon them, they all stand up together.” No-one but God can take credit for the creation of the Heavens and the earth. His fingerprints are all over our world. It’s the only reason why it is still standing.

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. The Hebrew word for “created” is very specific. It means that God created out of nothing. There were no raw materials. There was no pre-existing matter. God didn’t create even out of Himself, but from outside of Himself, out of nothing, He created everything. That makes God separate from His Creation. Science can’t tackle how all that exists came from nothing. Only God can bring forth something from nothing.

Genesis 1:2-“Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters.”

I love the picture of the Spirit of God hovering. When the Spirit of God starts to hover somewhere, when the Holy Spirit draws close, you know something good is about to happen! When the Holy Spirit comes on the scene, you know God is up to something. You know power is about to be released. We read the earth was formless. It was empty, and there was darkness.

Formless, empty, and dark. In verse 2, as the history of Creation is being recited, we see not only what happened as God began to create, but we see the condition of a human soul on display. As God was creating from a formless, empty, and dark reality, we see why we need Him. Without Him, we have a formless, empty, and dark existence. We also know that our lives don’t take shape, our lives remain empty and dark without a work of the Holy Spirit. When God determines to bring life, it takes a work of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit’s hovering was preparatory for what God was about to do, and it is still the way He operates in our lives today. 

Even in the retelling of the Creation account, we begin to see how God wants to move, how He does move, and how when He moves, transformation and new life comes!

Verses 3-5: And God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light. God saw that the light was good, and he separated the light from the darkness. God called the light “day,” and the darkness he called “night.” And there was evening, and there was morning—the first day.

Notice first that the creative power of God came forth as He spoke. If you want to know how everything was created, it was spoken into being. God spoke and Creation resulted. How powerful is the word of God? God didn’t have to fashion light to create it. He didn’t have to use a formula to create it. He wasn’t in a laboratory doing experiments to try to determine how to create light. He just spoke and it happened.

The witness of Scripture is consistent and clear. God spoke Creation into being. No one else can do that. The very act of speaking something into being sets God apart as God. This is but one reason we can worship Him as God. Psalm 33:6-9: “6By the word of the Lord the heavens were made, their starry host by the breath of his mouth. He gathers the waters of the sea into jars. He puts the deep into storehouses. Let all the earth fear the Lord. Let all the people of the world revere him. For he spoke, and it came to be. He commanded, and it stood firm.”

Listen, our words are closely connected to our thoughts. God’s Words, God’s Creation reveal His thoughts for this world and for humanity. Not only did He speak to create the light, but He called the light good. In fact, if we had time to study each day of Creation, we would see God spoke about each facet and called it good, very good. It wasn’t good in the sense that He inspected what He made, and it passed the test, but it was good in the sense that an Extreme Chocolate Blizzard from Dairy Queen is good! It was good in the same way that my first sip of Diet Coke in the morning is good! In other words, He was enjoying what He had created! It brought Him pleasure. And it was also good in that all that was being made was revealing His glory! Let all the earth revere Him. Let all the earth fear Him. Who is like our God who is so powerful and mighty and intentional and loving and lovely that He even enjoys and wants to enjoy what He has created which includes the likes of us!? The whole point of our ministry is to communicate that you were made for a relationship with God! The Creator wants to enjoy hanging out with you! That’s amazing!

The first thing God created was light. I love that. Light was first. That’s the way He still works. He brings light to our understanding. He turns the light on in a spiritual sense for us so that we have the capacity to see Him. Jesus was called the “Light” by John, as He came into the world. God is about illumination, about understanding. He doesn’t want us living in the dark about who He is.

Now He didn’t create the sun until the fourth day so what light came into existence on day one? I don’t know. God isn’t dependent on something physical to produce light. He didn’t have to create the sun for there to be light. He just had to speak it, and it was so. Light is more than a physical substance. It has a supernatural aspect, and we see it here on day one. When God speaks, light bursts onto the scene.

The reason Satan has introduced the Theory of Evolution and the Big Bang Theory and other false ideologies is because he knows if he can get you to question that God is the Creator, he can get you to doubt that God has a plan, a purpose and an expectation for all that He has created, and that includes you and me. If God isn’t Creator, well, then, it’s easy to dismiss God as the Lawgiver and Judge, now isn’t it? Hear me. All of Scripture hangs on what you do with Genesis one.

Two more Scriptures and a statement. Psalm 19:1-2: “The heavens declare the glory of God.  The skies proclaim the work of his hands. Day after day they pour forth speech. Night after night they reveal knowledge.”

Romans 1:20: “For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse.”

The only way you can know yourself is to know who God is. He is the Source for everything including wisdom, knowledge and understanding. He created the Heavens and the earth out of nothing, and He did it by His word. And He did it simply to enjoy all He created. Creation tells us about God’s desire to shape what is formless, to fill what is empty, and to bring light where there is darkness. What He did in Creation, He will do for every willing person who is ready for a Divine Miracle, and that is the truth about Creation.

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