(304) 757-9222 connect@tvcog.org

The Word as a Weapon

Who will win tonight? The Chiefs or the Eagles? I googled the Eagles’ secret weapon, and I googled “the Chief’s secret weapon.” Guess what came I when I googled the Eagles’ secret weapon? Saquon Barkley’s was listed. He’s a talented player. Seems like a great guy. Did...

The Word on the Word

II Timothy 3:14-17- 14 But as for you, continue in what you have learned and have firmly believed, knowing from whom you learned it 15 and how from childhood you have been acquainted with the sacred writings, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith...

The Word is Life

Today, on this Sanctity of Life Sunday, where we celebrate that we have physical life and spiritual life because God has granted us both, where we uphold the sanctity of life from the womb to the tomb and where we declare that we are people of life, and that we will...

The Indwelling Word

It’s the “Year of the Word” at Teays Valley Church of God where our emphasis is on daily Bible reading. “Word” is going to stand for “Work on reading daily.” In addition to regular Bible reading, I want to encourage you to memorize Scripture, to pray the Word, and to...

Christ in the Chaos

It was Christmas Eve, 1999. It was a tumultuous time for the Pratts. I was admitted into the hospital where I would later have one of the greatest joys of my life, our first child, a daughter, Hannah. However, that joyful occasion was suddenly covered by deep sadness....

A Heart for Christmas

The Grinch couldn’t stop Christmas from coming. Christmas was coming with or without his consent and with or without his participation. You know the story…the Grinch finally experienced Christmas when he had a change of heart. The same is true for us. We might...