Divorce Care will begin on February 29th downstairs at the church. You are invited to join us for a free dinner at 6:00pm as well as activities for children of all ages beginning at 6:30pm upstairs in the Green Room. For more information about DivorceCare follow...
Midweek Prayer What are you doing at noon on Wednesdays? Why not join Pastor Melissa in the sanctuary for a half hour of intercessory prayer? Community Thanksgiving Service-Tuesday, November 22nd Join area churches for a Community Thanksgiving Service to be held at...
Young at Heart Carry-in Dinner and Gospel Sing There will be a special Young at Heart event on October 25th at 6:00pm. Please join us for a Carry-in Dinner and Gospel Sing here at the church. Please sign up to bring 2 side dishes to share. Families in Need This...
Dealing With Difficult People? A special Life Application Study entitled “Dealing with Difficult People” is being offered Sunday evenings 6:00pm at the church. This eight-week study explores Biblical ways to understand, respond to, and deal with difficult...
Unity Service-September 25th at 6:30pm Join us a week from Sunday night for a special celebration! Area sister churches will be coming together for a special evening of praise and worship. Our “Voices of Praise” choir will be singing. We’ll...
Wednesday Night Dinners Resume This Wednesday We’ll resume our Wednesday night dinners at 5:45pm. We are in need of cooks for the third Wednesday of the month. Please see Chris Turley or Pastor Melissa if you can help. (The church pays for the food.) State...
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