(304) 757-9222 connect@tvcog.org

Dealing With Difficult People?

A special Life Application Study entitled “Dealing with Difficult People” is being offered Sunday evenings 6:00pm at the church.  This eight-week study explores Biblical ways to understand, respond to, and deal with difficult relationships.  The study is led by John Kincaid and meets in the church office. 

 JJ Heller in Concert at Second Free Will Baptist

Second Free Will Baptist located at 2121 29th Street, Ashland KY is hosting a concert featuring JJ Heller with Matt Brower on October 29th at 6:00pm.  For more details call 606-324-5447. 


The county-wide Thanksgiving lunch will be on Tuesday, November 15th at Sleepy Hollow at 11:30.  Tickets can be purchased through the Chamber of Commerce by calling 304-757-6510.  Chet Marshall is the speaker. 

Shop With a Cop Program

Our church has committed to sponsor one child with the “Shop With a Cop” program.  The cost of sponsorship is $250.00.  This will supply the child with a winter coat, boots, scarf, mittens, and Christmas gifts.  If you would like to contribute towards our sponsorship, please mark your check accordingly. 

Families in Need This Christmas

If you know of a family in Putnam County that needs assistance purchasing gifts for their children, please pass on this information.  They can go to one of the following places to sign up for help between 10am and 4:00pm:

– Oct 17th: Winfield United Methodist

– Oct 18th: Hurricane Town Hall

– Oct 19th: Poca Baptist

– Oct 20th & 21st: Teays Valley Nazarene 

Also, if you are willing to take a family in need on and purchase Christmas gifts for them, please sign the sheet on the lobby.  We will be given families to assist on Tuesday, November 10th.