(304) 757-9222 connect@tvcog.org

Wednesday Night Dinners Resume This Wednesday

We’ll resume our Wednesday night dinners at 5:45pm.  We are in need of cooks for the third Wednesday of the month.  Please see Chris Turley or Pastor Melissa if you can help.  (The church pays for the food.)


State Ladies Prayer Retreat

All ladies are invited to attend the state prayer retreat at Cedar Lakes, September 23-24.  The cost is $40.00 and should be given to Helen Woods by September 6th.  The speaker is Martha Williams and the worship leader is Pastor Melissa.


Beth Moore Simulcast

Cross Lanes Baptist Church is hosting a Beth Moore Simulcast Saturday, September 10th.  The event runs 10:30am-5:30pm and costs $24.  For more information call Cross Lanes Baptist at 304-776-3154.