Well, how did it go? Are you all wearing your stretchy pants this morning because of all of the holiday food you enjoyed? Were you able to see a smile on a loved one’s face after they opened that special gift? Have you successfully returned everything you wouldn’t...
It was Christmas Eve, 1999. It was a tumultuous time for the Pratts. I was admitted into the hospital where I would later have one of the greatest joys of my life, our first child, a daughter, Hannah. However, that joyful occasion was suddenly covered by deep sadness....
The Grinch couldn’t stop Christmas from coming. Christmas was coming with or without his consent and with or without his participation. You know the story…the Grinch finally experienced Christmas when he had a change of heart. The same is true for us. We might...
One of the major themes of the Advent and Christmas Season is light. It makes sense that during the dark days of winter, we would gravitate toward light, that we would look for ways to insert light into the long, dark evenings. How many of you have a tree up? How...
This morning we are going to walk through some large sections of Luke 1. I want us to consider the role of silence in these passages, the role of silence in the miracle of God, the role of silence in the Christmas season. Luke 1:5ff 5 In the time of Herod king of...
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